JMap 7 Gibraltar est maintenant disponible

JMap 7 Gibraltar est maintenant disponible

La version JMap 7 Gibraltar est maintenant disponible en téléchargement sur notre site Web: http://k2geospatial.com/support.

Veuillez consulter les guides suivants avant de faire l’installation :

Guide d’installation de JMap 7
Guide de migration à JMap 7

Cette version contient plusieurs nouveautés dont le support de JMap Survey, la sauvegarde de cartes et les outils de dessin améliorés dans JMap Web.

Nous avons aussi repensé comment les contextes sont gérés avec JMap 7 Gibraltar. Les données des contextes sont maintenant stockées dans un nouveau format (JSON) dans la BD système de JMap Server. Leur taille est beaucoup plus compacte, ce qui devrait offrir de meilleures performances à la sauvegarde et l'ouverture des contextes. Tous les contextes existants seront automatiquement convertis au nouveau format au premier démarrage de Gibraltar.

JMap 7 Gibraltar contient tous les changements depuis la première version de JMap 7.0.


Attention : À partir de JMap 7 Funafuti, nous avons remis à zéro tous les décalages des données. Si vous installez Gibraltar par-dessus une version antérieure à Funafuti, vous devez obligatoirement fair une mise à jour de toutes vos sources de données spatiales pour éviter que les données apparaissent décalées.


Attention : JMap 7 Gibraltar n'est pas compatible avec les bases de données MySQL antérieures à MySQL 5.5. Vous devez mettre à jour votre version de MySQL avant d'installer JMap 7 Gibraltar. Vous pouvez également revenir à l'ancien pilote MySQL si vous souhaitez continuer à utiliser une ancienne version de MySQL. Voir cet article pour plus de détails.


Attention : Si vous utilisez GeoWebCache installé sur un serveur web externe à JMap, vous devez procéder à la mise à jour de GeoWebCache. De plus, une version minimale de Tomcat 7.0.42 est nécessaire pour cette mise à jour.


Release notes :

New features / improvements

[TFIFT-7930] - JMap Web : Refactor contexts and implement for JMap Web
[TFIFT-7883] - JMap Web : Create a UI to manage contexts
[TFIFT-7886] - JMap Web : Allow the context to be public or private
[TFIFT-8005] - JMap Web : Allow user to change his password
[TFIFT-8345] - JMap Web : Implement advanced annotation tools
[TFIFT-8618] - JMap Web : Go to a precise scale
[TFIFT-8619] - JMap Web : Zoom to previous view
[TFIFT-8512] - JMap Web : Add support for AutoSelectUniqueListValue
[TFIFT-8620] - JMap Web : Add possibility to switch language at login screen
[TFIFT-3916] - JMap Admin : Allow to create Spatial Data Sources using WMTS
[TFIFT-7483] - JMap Admin : Add download "reports" war for tomcat proxy server
[TFIFT-8276] - JMap Admin : Allow to change request mode (load by tile, load by region) in bulk edit
[TFIFT-8235] - JMap Admin : Allow to edit minimum and maximum scales values in bulk edit
[TFIFT-8236] - JMap Admin : Allow to edit description in bulk edit
[TFIFT-8694] - JMap Admin : Include new contexts (stored in DB) in the importation / exportation process (user data)
[TFIFT-3048] - JMap Admin : Update layer description and layer name on layer by reference when those values change in main layer
[TFIFT-6338] - JMap Admin : Add a search box to the "select layer" component in attribute query
[TFIFT-8343] - JMap Admin : Set default name to "Project layers" in JMap Web wizard for 'Dynamic layer (Entire project)'
[TFIFT-8402] - JMap Admin : Add setting for preferred external and local addresses
[TFIFT-8500] - JMap Admin : Add an option to automatically select a form value in a list of only one value
[TFIFT-8383] - JMap Admin : Add EPSG:26856 projection
[TFIFT-8593] - JMap Admin : Add ESRI:102746 projection
[TFIFT-8607] - JMap Admin : Sort the list values of the filters alphabetically
[TFIFT-8360] - JMap Pro : Add possibility to relocate the .jmap folder
[TFIFT-6499] - JMap Pro : Remove navigation constraint related to project's maximum extent
[TFIFT-8513] - JMap Pro : Add support for AutoSelectUniqueListValue
[TFIFT-8357] - JMap Server : Add a centralized WMS service in JMap Server
[TFIFT-8362] - JMap Server : Add entries for WMS layers in Mapbox style JSON file (ECW + TIFF)
[TFIFT-8577] - JMap Server : Add support for layer thematics in MapBox style JSON
[TFIFT-8744] - JMap Server : Convert old contexts (file) to new format (db)
[TFIFT-8277] - JMap Server : Remove Google Maps API key from deployment configuration (now in global settings)
[TFIFT-8319] - JMap Server : Add support for latest version of MySQL (8)
[TFIFT-8325] - JMap Server : Add support for latest version of PostgreSQL (10)
[TFIFT-8405] - JMap Server : Add support for latest version of MS SQL Server (2017)
[TFIFT-8712] - JMap Server : Enable IFC SDS by default
[TFIFT-8499] - JMap Server : Update commons-pool.jar library
[TFIFT-8604] - JMap Server : Implement default timeout for data source initialization to prevent issues like JMS not starting
[TFIFT-8742] - JMap Server : Optimize performance by keeping a 2 sec cache of server projects


Fixed issues

[TFIFT-8733] - JMap Server : Execution of Composite request are slow with large projects
[TFIFT-4791] - JMap Server : JMap fails to start because of SDE data sources
[TFIFT-7853] - JMap Server : Remote JMap version displayed is not right
[TFIFT-7900] - JMap Server : Objects read with IFC Reader appear incorrectly
[TFIFT-8112] - JMap Server : SQL Exception adding elements to imported personal layer
[TFIFT-8233] - JMap Server : Polygon created by JMap to extract elements from SQL spatial data source can be invalid
[TFIFT-8253] - JMap Server : Error saving edits in enterprise geodatabase
[TFIFT-8270] - JMap Server : Impossible to create a coordinates in a database data source using a view
[TFIFT-8278] - JMap Server : Making a data source editable could cause the project to be corrupted
[TFIFT-8300] - JMap Server : Concurrency problems in remote layer loader
[TFIFT-8302] - JMap Server : Some users from a group with super administrator privileges are not super administrators
[TFIFT-8378] - JMap Server : Error while publishing a layer without attributes
[TFIFT-8408] - JMap Server : Data provided by JMap WFS service is very imprecise
[TFIFT-8409] - JMap Server : Error opening map in MapBox GL js with only one raster layer in project
[TFIFT-8410] - JMap Server : Error when serving data through JMap WFS service
[TFIFT-8420] - JMap Server : JMap changes the geometry type in SQL server and can not create SQL Server SDS
[TFIFT-8440] - JMap Server : Some Mapbox tiles don't appear to be created at certain scales
[TFIFT-8468] - JMap Server : Error while creating MS SQL Server spatial data source
[TFIFT-8489] - JMap Server : A spatial data source could be null, causing problems when adding layers to a project
[TFIFT-8504] - JMap Server : Error creating a SHP SDS when using MySQL as System BD
[TFIFT-8519] - JMap Server : WMTS layers are shifted
[TFIFT-8530] - JMap Server : License error after updating JMap form Edinburgh to Funafuti or Gibraltar
[TFIFT-8551] - JMap Server : Error updating or creating SDS
[TFIFT-8564] - JMap Server : Error importing a full configuration containing a composite user manager
[TFIFT-8605] - JMap Server : Fatal JMap Server Ignite exception causes clients to stop working
[TFIFT-8611] - JMap Server : Elements of referenced layer do not display
[TFIFT-8632] - JMap Server : Layers of polygons with patterns cause exceptions in MapBox GL JS
[TFIFT-8636] - JMap Server : SDS with External attribute (non-dynamic) of type NVARCHAR is not supported
[TFIFT-8656] - JMap Server : Composite user manager failed to initialize after full importation
[TFIFT-8657] - JMap Server : Update iText.jar with the right version compatible with extensions (Signal-X, Fiches ...)
[TFIFT-8704] - JMap Server : Exception requesting extract elements in a SHP SDS from JMap 6.5 l_001
[TFIFT-8465] - JMap Admin : Queries from referenced layers are not displayed
[TFIFT-8398] - JMap Admin : Status filter needs to be updated to remove old statuses
[TFIFT-6138] - JMap Admin : The hierarchy is not respected when adding layers by reference
[TFIFT-6910] - JMap Admin : After editing a layer, calculating statistics status is erroneous
[TFIFT-7294] - JMap Admin : Cancel update action not working on spatial data sources
[TFIFT-7476] - JMap Admin : Graduated Symbol Thematic goes to error page
[TFIFT-7629] - JMap Admin : Date fields from ESRI REST service are brought in as varchar
[TFIFT-8128] - JMap Admin : In data source wizard, « None » option in the attributes list deselects JMap System attributes
[TFIFT-8197] - JMap Admin : Can't process some WMTS URLs
[TFIFT-8303] - JMap Admin : Imported Remote Connections does not show server version
[TFIFT-8317] - JMap Admin : Problem saving a form if translations are not entered via the multi language UI
[TFIFT-8338] - JMap Admin : Should not be able to edit queries from referenced layers
[TFIFT-8352] - JMap Admin : Server version is not updated after upgrading remote server
[TFIFT-8358] - JMap Admin : Missing ES translation for term External
[TFIFT-8359] - JMap Admin : Missing ES translation in bulk edit
[TFIFT-8367] - JMap Admin : Add the build number in the JMap version name
[TFIFT-8369] - JMap Admin : Error creating a WFS data source
[TFIFT-8370] - JMap Admin : Never-ending update for spatial data sources that are shared externally when a JMap Server connection is in error
[TFIFT-8371] - JMap Admin : Deactivated remote server connection goes back to error state
[TFIFT-8380] - JMap Admin : Extensions disable / enable state is not saved on disk
[TFIFT-8411] - JMap Admin : Cloning a reference layer results in regular layer with issues
[TFIFT-8417] - JMap Admin : Deployments are pointing to localhost and not to local ip
[TFIFT-8424] - JMap Admin : Exception adding an empty JMap Spatial SDS with polygon geometry
[TFIFT-8437] - JMap Admin : Project layer hierarchy, using move up/down does not refresh the list
[TFIFT-8444] - JMap Admin : Error editing group after composite user manager been configured
[TFIFT-8477] - JMap Admin : When cloning a layer into a new project the form and sub form refers to the original layer
[TFIFT-8478] - JMap Admin : When referencing a layer to a new project, forms and subforms are not functionnal
[TFIFT-8479] - JMap Admin : When updating spatial data source in batch, the status stays on calculating statistics
[TFIFT-8480] - JMap Admin : System Database permissions are removed after restarting JMap Server
[TFIFT-8482] - JMap Admin : Cannot create a thematic with type graduated symbols
[TFIFT-8496] - JMap Admin : Error message instead of displaying thematic's style
[TFIFT-8573] - JMap Admin : We should't be able to create queries with referenced layers
[TFIFT-8558] - JMap Admin : Reordering layers of a project does not refresh the list
[TFIFT-8559] - JMap Admin : Missing jar when deploying WMS or WFS application
[TFIFT-8594] - JMap Admin : Missing jars when deploying WMS or WFS application on proxy
[TFIFT-8575] - JMap Admin : Unable to create new attribute query group
[TFIFT-8588] - JMap Admin : Add an external form/subform photo field doesn't work with MySql database
[TFIFT-8592] - JMap Admin : ev() function is not working inside javascript code of a mouseover
[TFIFT-8637] - JMap Admin : Error while creating IFC spatial data source
[TFIFT-8647] - JMap Admin : Layer filter defined in JMap Admin are not applied in project preview
[TFIFT-8658] - JMap Admin : Filters (new functionality) does not works with BIGINT SQL type values
[TFIFT-8681] - JMap Admin : When upgrading JMap 6.5 to JMap 7.0, editable datasource configuration is broken
[TFIFT-8692] - JMap Admin : Layer filter defined in JMap Admin is not working with varchar fields
[TFIFT-8709] - JMap Admin : Error opening a project page
[TFIFT-8761] - JMap Admin : External attributes - impossible to select fields from a SQL view
[TFIFT-8769] - JMap Admin : External attributes - impossible to select an alias SQL
[TFIFT-7494] - JMap Web : Online help does not open for a portuguese deployment
[TFIFT-8297] - JMap Web : Selection explorer interprets nvarchar as number and drops leading zeros
[TFIFT-8329] - JMap Web : The edit layer button is still available when the edit tools are disabled
[TFIFT-8335] - JMap Web : Query groups created in JMap Admin are missing in JMap Web and JMap Pro
[TFIFT-8336] - JMap Web : Referenced layers do not display if layer name is modified on origin JMap Server
[TFIFT-8347] - JMap Web : Session timeout is not applied when you do not use JMap Web but you use the browser other tabs
[TFIFT-8366] - JMap Web : On mobile, form list values do not display if component is in the last row
[TFIFT-8374] - JMap Web : Measurements are not erased after cancelling the operation
[TFIFT-8376] - JMap Web : Selecting and editing do not respect the layer filters
[TFIFT-8430] - JMap Web : Impossible to continue editing after an error occurs
[TFIFT-8470] - JMap Web : Query of a reference layer does not work
[TFIFT-8527] - JMap Web : Forms - Component date does not use the format date configured
[TFIFT-8528] - JMap Web : Unable to activate selection on layers that are not selectable by default
[TFIFT-8539] - JMap Web : A layer blocks the display of all layers in the deployment
[TFIFT-8585] - JMap Web : Allow user to change his password only when supported by user manager
[TFIFT-8587] - JMap Web : Sub-form tables should display labels instead of numeric values
[TFIFT-8631] - JMap Web : Date fields are reinitialized to NULL after modifying an entitiy's geometry
[TFIFT-8649] - JMap Web : JMap Web is calling REST API at wrong URL
[TFIFT-8654] - JMap Web: Error while inserting element with external database form with photo component
[TFIFT-8355] - JMap Pro : Problem when calculating the intersection between 2 polygons
[TFIFT-8433] - JMap Pro : Heat Map and Clustering are not saved into the context
[TFIFT-8449] - JMap Pro : Errors while deploying an external JMap Pro app in tomcat 9.0.11
[TFIFT-8563] - JMap Pro : When pressing Enter the attribute query is not executed anymore
[TFIFT-8583] - JMap Pro : Sub form tables don't display attributes correctly (select many field)
[TFIFT-8600] - JMap Pro : In a request form, autocomplete function earases values that start with '1'
[TFIFT-8648] - JMap Pro : Filters defined in JMap Admin are not working with BIGINT SQL type values



[TFIFT-8622] - JMap Web : Add options to manually hide log out option and the preference dialog
[TFIFT-8342] - JMap Web : Provide global mechanism to load extension components
[TFIFT-8413] - JMap Server : Add getIfcModel() method to IFCReader
[TFIFT-8164] - JMap REST API : Create a service for contexts
[TFIFT-8669] - JMap REST API : When creating an element using the REST API, return the newly created elements with all its attributes
[TFIFT-8318] - JMap REST API : Missing labels (prefix and suffix) in forms REST API responses
[TFIFT-8320] - JMap REST API : Wrong attribute title returned in forms REST API response
[TFIFT-8321] - JMap REST API : Missing structure information for linked lists in forms REST API responses
[TFIFT-8334] - JMap REST API : Wrong response for missing or invalid session id in REST API V2
[TFIFT-8393] - JMap REST API : Layer "visibility" is always set as "true" for dynamic layers
[TFIFT-8435] - JMap REST API : Wrong message getting a not existing default context in REST API
[TFIFT-8488] - JMap REST API : Add layer and form permission information to the REST API
[TFIFT-8534] - JMap REST API : Missing jars executing on external tomcat
[TFIFT-8547] - JMap REST API : Wrong response status code for not found image
[TFIFT-8553] - JMap REST API : Hide unpublished layers in layers descriptor GET endoints
[TFIFT-8556] - JMap REST API : Service does not enforce admin permissions
[TFIFT-8586] - JMap REST API : Simplify date display format for form table fields
[TFIFT-8598] - JMap REST API : Internal Server Error getting layers in external REST API
[TFIFT-8633] - JMap REST API : Only superadmin users can access projects endpoints
[TFIFT-8642] - JMap REST API : Form photo endpoints create and update don't work when used as proxy
[TFIFT-8666] - JMap REST API : Create sub-form endpoint doesn't worked when REST API is deployed as a proxy
[TFIFT-8689] - JMap REST API : Post function to add element to a layer does not respect layer permissions
[TFIFT-8713] - JMap REST API : Internal Server Error Response(500) in Delete function in Forms Layer in external tomcat
[TFIFT-8714] - JMap REST API : Change user password in external tomcat does not work.
[TFIFT-8006] - JMap REST API : Prepare a service to allow user to change his password
[TFIFT-8625] - JMap REST API : We should be able to pass the locale as an optional parameter for projects and layers endpoints
[TFIFT-8288] - JMap REST API : Support Mapbox symbol for line & polygon layer styles in REST API
[TFIFT-8416] - JMap REST API : Return Google Maps and Bing API keys in applications endpoints
[TFIFT-8459] - JMap REST API : Add id attribute name in forms
[TFIFT-8490] - JMap REST API : Add support for non editable layers with external forms in REST API
[TFIFT-8501] - JMap REST API : Add missing parameters in forms description result
[TFIFT-8502] - JMap REST API : Add attribute in form description JSON of REST API for the option AutoSelectUniqueListValue
[TFIFT-8514] - JMap REST API : Create endpoint for photos
[TFIFT-8524] - JMap REST API : Add support for external attributes in GeoJSON returned by the REST API
[TFIFT-8542] - JMap REST API : Add support for text labels in MapBox mvt REST API
[TFIFT-8560] - JMap REST API : Group rights are ignored