Changelog JMap

JMap Server Kathmandu Fix 19 - build 352 (2024-05-29)

Fixed issues

  • JMap Pro : Unable to open the metadata external URL

  • JMap Server : Feature Id can be reused after deleting a feature

  • JMap Server : It became impossible to run many instances of JMap Server on the same host

JMap Server Lima - build 96 (2024-05-09)


  • We introduce a totally new JMap Admin user interface

  • It is now possible to use multiple CRS for a same raster data source

  • We improved the synchronisation with JMap Cloud

  • It is now possible to snap when drawing in JMap NG

New features / improvements

  • Add projections using the Datum NAD83 CSRS.

  • JMap Admin : Add the attribute OBJECTID in the File GeoDatabase spatial data source

  • JMap Admin : Duplicate permissions when referencing a layer

  • JMap Admin : Improve syncing with JMap Cloud

  • JMap Admin : Manage permissions in the hierarchy tab of a project

  • JMap Admin : Option to reverse the color order of a color palette

  • JMap Admin : Schedule an update task on a group of spatial data sources

  • JMap Admin : Implement new UI

  • JMap Admin : Add a function for form to save a UUID

  • JMap Admin REST API : Add a POST to create a project

  • JMap NG : In forms, make the “submit” button always visible and give visual feedback after validation instead of disabling the button

  • JMap NG : Let the user choose between EPSG:4326 (Lat-Lon) and the project’s CRS for the mapInfo widget coordinates

  • JMap NG : In Dynamic layer filters, show a dropdown for properties that have unique values in their statistics

  • JMap NG : Support snapping on layer elements in all draw environments (feature creation, measures, annotations)

  • JMap Pro : Add WMS legend

  • JMap Pro : Copy the coordinates of a point to the clipboard

  • JMap Pro : Multiline annotations are not supported

  • JMap Web : Upgrade Proj4 to the latest version

  • JMap Web : Add a function for form to save a UUID

  • JMap Server : Add support of WFS version 2.0

  • JMap Server : Allow Log4J to load it's configuration from a file

  • JMap Server : GDAL raster SDS that supports multiple CRS

  • JMap Server : Sync raster layers with JMap Cloud

  • JMap Server : Extensions marketplace

  • JMap Server : Use a standard projection library

  • JMap Server : Add the possibility to configure CORS filters in the WMS/WFS deployments

  • JMap Server : Remove iTextPDF from distribution

  • JMap REST API : Optionally return attribute statistics in the GET layer(s) endpoints

Fixed issues

  • JMap Admin : A modification to a label configuration is lost

  • JMap Admin : Error when trying to import a .properties file

  • JMap Admin : Unexpected behavior when I change the base style of a thematic (individual)

  • JMap Admin : Unexpected error when importing User data in local Lima installation

  • JMap Admin : WMTS layers are not sorted when creating a new WMTS layer in JMap Web deployment

  • JMap NG : The category for null values doesn’t appear in the dynamic legend

  • JMap NG : Photos named with accentuated characters cannot be added in a form

  • JMap NG : Error while updating a dynamic layer filter, passing from “is null” or “is not null” operator to “between” or “not between” operator

  • JMap NG : Error while updating dynamic layer filter, passing from "equal to/not equal to" to other operators

  • JMap NG : Unable to save a form if a not required child list component of a parent-child lists configuration is left empty

  • JMap NG : Lists of individual values in layer dynamic filters should be naturally sorted ASC

  • JMap NG : ngExtent url startup param is not working anymore

  • JMap NG : Various bugs for subform creation while editing a new element that is not yet created

  • JMap Pro : A null value in a multiple choice list component of a subform prevents subforms associated with an element from being displayed in the form

  • JMap Pro : Printing with "High" quality option doesn't display the map scale

  • JMap Pro : The button to reverse the selection doesn't work as expected in the windows that show the result of an attribute query and the result of a spatial query

  • JMap Web : Selection tools don't work on elements created with JMap dynamic and static layers

  • JMap Web : Should not be possible to save a form with a value that not is in a list component

  • JMap Web : WMTS layer is visible even when the 'Visible' option was not selected during configuration

  • JMap Server : (NG) Layers don't display if a transformation (translation) is configured

  • JMap Server : (NG) The multiline annotation is bigger than it should be

  • JMap Server : CSV reader error with reserved characters '[' ']'

  • JMap Server : Feature Id can be reused after deleting a feature

  • JMap Server : Getting errors when creating a WFS data source from a deployed JMap WFS service

  • JMap Server : JMap cannot connect to Geowebcache on top-level domain

  • JMap Server : Slowness with the GML reader (v3.x)

  • JMap Server : The concatenation character of external attributes added by selecting fields doesn't appear correctly

  • JMap Server : The configurations of two JMap Servers installed on the same server are mixed

  • JMap Server : Tiling estimation might not work for some spatial data source with EPSG:4326 projection

  • JMap Server : Unable to create a WMS spatial data source with authentification

JMap Server Kathmandu Fix 18 - build 348 (2024-04-03)

New features / improvements

  • JMap NG : Add a base URL for reports parameter to JMAP_OPTIONS

  • JMap NG : Always enable edit form submit button (validation at submit only)

Fixed issues

  • JMap Admin : WMTS layers are not sorted when creating a new WMTS layer in JMap Web deployment

  • JMap NG : The category for null values doesn’t appear in the dynamic legend

  • JMap NG : Photos added in a layer attributes form are not saved

  • JMap NG : Photos named with accented characters cannot be added in the form

  • JMap NG : Unable to save a form if a child list component of a parent-child lists configuration is left empty

  • JMap Web : Selection tools don't work on elements created with JMap dynamic and static layers

  • JMap Web : Should not be possible to save a form with a value that not is in a list component

  • JMap Web : WMTS layer is visible even when the 'Visible' option was not selected during configuration

  • JMap Server : It might be impossible to read/write the system configuration (H2)

  • JMap Server : (NG) Layers don't display if a transformation (translation) is configured

  • JMap Server : Elements with null values don't display on the map with a thematic in JMap NG and JMap Survey

  • JMap Server : JMap cannot connect to Geowebcache on top-level domain

  • JMap Server : The concatenation character of external attributes added by selecting fields doesn't appear correctly