JMap 7 Hanoï est maintenant disponible

JMap 7 Hanoï est maintenant disponible

La version JMap 7 Hanoï est maintenant disponible en téléchargement sur notre site Web: http://k2geospatial.com/support.

Veuillez consulter les guides suivants avant de faire l’installation :

Guide d’installation de JMap 7
Guide de migration à JMap 7

Cette version contient plusieurs nouveautés pour les administrateurs JMap telles que la prise en charge des statistiques d’utilisation, l’importation de couches et le support es géométries circulaires de PostGIS. Elle contient aussi une optimisation majeure reliée au calcul de statistiques des attributs des couches.

JMap 7 Hanoï contient tous les changements depuis la première version de JMap 7.0.

Attention : Si vous souhaitez utiliser JMap Survey, notez que celui-ci n’utilise aucun déploiement ni préparation dans JMap Admin, contrairement à JMap Mobile. Pour plus d’information, consultez le manuel de JMap Survey.

Attention : À partir de JMap 7 Funafuti, nous avons remis à zéro tous les décalages des données. Si vous installez Hanoï par-dessus une version antérieure à Funafuti, vous devez obligatoirement fair une mise à jour de toutes vos sources de données spatiales pour éviter que les données apparaissent décalées.


Release notes :

New features / improvements

[TFIFT-4770] - JMap Web : Attribute query modifications do not require an update on the deployment to be effective
[TFIFT-8678] - JMap Web : Make the UI more consistent across various components
[TFIFT-8711] - JMap Web : Add support for direct WMTS
[TFIFT-8839] - JMap Web : Modify web.xml to include bing key and google map keys to PrintServlet and incorporate those in the print servlet requests
[TFIFT-8961] - JMap Web : Add support for deleting multiple elements at the same time
[TFIFT-8986] - JMap Web : For annotations, make text annotations scale dependant
[TFIFT-9029] - JMap Web : Include selection in saved maps
[TFIFT-8787] - JMap Web : Improve waiting indicator at startup

[TFIFT-8860] - JMap Admin : Display usage statistics in JMap Admin
[TFIFT-8872] - JMap Admin : Export usage statistic data in PDF format
[TFIFT-8873] - JMap Admin : Export usage statistic data in Excel format
[TFIFT-8949] - JMap Admin : Add option to enable usage statistics tracking for a project
[TFIFT-8616] - JMap Admin : Add support for layer importation
[TFIFT-8747] - JMap Admin : Make new static layers not cached by default when deploying JMap Web
[TFIFT-8853] - JMap Admin : Delete JMap Web (tablet style) and Web application for PC templates after upgrade to JMap 7
[TFIFT-8899] - JMap Admin : Two different features are named as "Filter". Clarify the names (layer base filter VS layer dynamic filter)
[TFIFT-9006] - JMap Admin : Mark as obsolete the existing JMap Mobile template on deployment wizard
[TFIFT-9036] - JMap Admin : For WMTS data sources, do not allow selection of WMTS layers with a different projection than the project projection

[TFIFT-8664] - JMap Server : Add IP address information as a new field in the log files
[TFIFT-8732] - JMap Server : Add support for usage statistics in JMap for projects, layers and contexts
[TFIFT-6364] - JMap Server : Improve label location for polygon layers
[TFIFT-8382] - JMap Server : SDS Postgis - Add support for curve geometry types (CircularString, CompoundCurv, etc.)
[TFIFT-8944] - JMap Server : Improve attribute statistics calculation performances
[TFIFT-8970] - JMap Server : With IFC Reader, read IfcSlab features as surfaces
[TFIFT-9030] - JMap Server : Ignore null geometries in Personal GeoDatabase data sources

[TFIFT-8693] - JMap REST API : Add REST API endpoint to return layer metadata
[TFIFT-8576] - JMap REST API : REST API v2, delete deprecated routes
[TFIFT-8728] - JMap REST API : REST API V2, don't require password conformation in endpint for changing password
[TFIFT-8927] - JMap REST API : Create an endpoint to get JMap Server health (memory, etc)
[TFIFT-8869] - JMap REST API : Create REST API for statistics


Fixed issues

[TFIFT-7593] - JMap Web : In a form, cannot re-add a photo that was wrongfully deleted
[TFIFT-8729] - JMap Web : new password is not effective for the life of the web session
[TFIFT-8525] - JMap Web : deployments do not always display translations depending on the browser language
[TFIFT-8526] - JMap Web : Forms - fullname() does not work
[TFIFT-8529] - JMap Web : Unable to select elements from a selectable layer
[TFIFT-8662] - JMap Web : New session is not opened for JMap Web logins if using browser's Back button
[TFIFT-8674] - JMap Web : the first zero of a varchar in the selection list is truncated
[TFIFT-8675] - JMap Web : In forms, the "Search / Replace" option is enabled for non VARCHAR fields
[TFIFT-8917] - JMap Web : Forms - Scroll bar and close button are not available when window is too long
[TFIFT-8895] - JMap Web : Selecting elements on multiple layers causes incongruences with selection explorer
[TFIFT-8913] - JMap Web : Browser error using Google tools
[TFIFT-8915] - JMap Web : Can not Print Google Maps PDF
[TFIFT-8930] - JMap Web : Annotation line style cannot be set consistently on objects
[TFIFT-8971] - JMap Web : On mobile, mouseover does not open easily (Android with Chrome and Native browser)
[TFIFT-8976] - JMap Web : Scroll does not work in query forms using mobile
[TFIFT-9027] - JMap Web : Web responsive, mouseover's scroll bars do not work easily
[TFIFT-8948] - JMap Web : Layer dynamic filters - there is not a scrollbar in the list of attributes
[TFIFT-8907] - JMap Web : Tree component with values loaded from database was not populated
[TFIFT-8846] - JMap Web : Error in browser console opening a Web deployment without Google and Sharing tools
[TFIFT-8816] - JMap Web : Geolocation tool cannot be deactivated
[TFIFT-8718] - JMap Web : Fix CORS setting in the JMap admin advanced options
[TFIFT-8937] - JMap Web : Missing Geolocation tool in Phone resolutions

[TFIFT-7432] - JMap Pro : Photo editi and delete on photo component does not work correctly
[TFIFT-8204] - JMap Pro : Missing Spanish Translation for multiple elements tooltip in a form
[TFIFT-8086] - JMap Pro : Using a form, it is impossible to remove a photo from a spatial element
[TFIFT-8511] - JMap Pro : Layer issues caused by different languages used in the layer hierarchy and map
[TFIFT-8671] - JMap Pro : When using two group form components inside an attribute query, the second list is empty
[TFIFT-8691] - JMap Pro : Block the edition in the element explorer
[TFIFT-8730] - JMap Pro : Spatial query "that intersects the selected elements" return wrong geometries
[TFIFT-8806] - JMap Pro : Unloading tiles programmatically does not work
[TFIFT-8877] - JMap Pro : Changing style of scale bar in print layouts does not work
[TFIFT-8952] - JMap Pro : Crash while calling VectorLayer.isEditable with some layers loaded by reference

[TFIFT-8117] - JMap Admin : Spatial Data Source - Attributes title change after a SDS update
[TFIFT-8129] - JMap Admin : Datasource wizard - All attributes are always selected in the wizard when editing the SDS
[TFIFT-8200] - JMap Admin : Can't view ignite logs in JMap Admin's log viewer
[TFIFT-8244] - JMap Admin : Layer's attribute title changes are lost after layer edit
[TFIFT-8333] - JMap Admin : Attribute query - Order by clause breaks SQL query on a view in child parameter
[TFIFT-8638] - JMap Admin : Can't delete a thematic value when creating an individual custom value thematic
[TFIFT-8668] - JMap Admin : Changes in layer title and description are not shown in JMap Pro
[TFIFT-8703] - JMap Admin : Missing Spanish translation for missing referenced layers in a project
[TFIFT-8756] - JMap Admin : Impossible to rename a cloned layer (multi-language project)
[TFIFT-8758] - JMap Admin : Referenced layer from the same project result in duplicated layer's name
[TFIFT-8762] - JMap Admin : SMTP send mail test does not work once parameters are saved
[TFIFT-8768] - JMap Admin : External attributes - error opening attribute sample from a SQL view
[TFIFT-8834] - JMap Admin : Error opening attribute sample of an external attribute
[TFIFT-8850] - JMap admin : Can't create a subform without having a null pointer exception
[TFIFT-8883] - JMap Admin : Changing API Keys for Google or Bing does not update already existing deployments
[TFIFT-8885] - JMap Admin : It is not possible to delete an empty choice on a component with choices
[TFIFT-8901] - JMap Admin : Invalid session statistics for long periods
[TFIFT-8848] - JMap Admin : Missing "Apply to all" option when importing user data
[TFIFT-8916] - JMap Admin : Typo in settings page of JMap server
[TFIFT-8926] - JMap Admin : Cloned layer from the same project, result in duplicated layer's name
[TFIFT-8978] - JMap Admin : Custom Birt reports are rewritten layer edition and/or datasource update
[TFIFT-9024] - JMap Admin : Layer modifications done while statistic calculations are lost
[TFIFT-9031] - JMap Admin : Layer filters are not exported / imported
[TFIFT-9034] - JMap Admin : WMS data source, GetMap and GetFeatureInfo default requests can be wrong
[TFIFT-9049] - JMap Admin : Layer Dynamic filter enabled status is not exported / imported
[TFIFT-9052] - JMap Admin : Can not Export/Import IFC Layers

[TFIFT-8476] - JMap Server : Unable to add layers by reference when there are JMap server connexions in error
[TFIFT-8606] - JMap Server : Stop Ignite DB backup during startup or make it asynchronous
[TFIFT-8701] - JMap Server : WFS GetCapabilities link generated by JMap is incorrect
[TFIFT-8719] - JMap Server : Elements are not displayed if ArcGIS REST server has an untrusted SSL certificate
[TFIFT-8783] - JMap Server : Map download for offline mode fails on Survey likely because of server side errors
[TFIFT-8789] - JMap Server : Improve how windows, doors and stairways are generated by IFC Reader
[TFIFT-8912] - JMap Server : Image producer fails to recognize referenced layers names
[TFIFT-8922] - JMap Server : ConvertContextsThread error in the logs
[TFIFT-8936] - JMap Server : MapBox style endpoint should validate the case of the attribute names for labels
[TFIFT-8951] - JMap Server : WFS layer containing attribute with NULL values do not show in JMap Pro or Web
[TFIFT-9019] - JMap Server : Error adding a layer from a SDS WMS
[TFIFT-9020] - JMap Server : Unable to display layer from a WMTS SDS
[TFIFT-9026] - JMap Server : Out of Memory while updating a big data source associated with layer(s) by region
[TFIFT-9039] - JMap Server : Reserved sessions are not working as expected
[TFIFT-9054] - JMap Server : Tree component does not keep the hierarchy configuration after it is saved

[TFIFT-8548] - JMap REST API : Photo update does not work as intended
[TFIFT-8561] - JMap REST API : Add support of photos for database forms (sub-forms and external forms)
[TFIFT-8738] - JMap REST API : After an edit transaction using the REST API, the element returned in the response is not updated
[TFIFT-8760] - JMap REST API : REST API V2, Update a photo of endpoint for photos does not work
[TFIFT-8763] - JMap REST API : Get a map context by project for current user session does not return the context
[TFIFT-8851] - JMap REST API : Error 500 trying to Post a line element
[TFIFT-8943] - JMap REST API : Wrong encoding for WMS addresses in Mapbox styles endpoint