Installation Guide for JMap Server (JMap 7)

Installation Guide for JMap Server (JMap 7)

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The installation of JMap is typically done on a server that will be accessed by all users. During the installation, all components are installed (JMap Server, JMap Pro applications, JMap Admin, etc.). Make sure to maintain an up to date setup by installing the most recent patches. It is recommended to do a backup of the system before proceeding with the installation.

Before proceeding with the installation, verify the requirements in the JMap Server Technical Specifications article of the version of JMap you are going to install.

Installation Program

Chose the installation program corresponding to the target platform. The names vary to indicate the version of JMap Server: Amsterdam, Bogotá, Cairo, Dakar, etc.

Full installation program

Target platform

Full installation program

Target platform


Windows 64 bits


Windows 32 bits


Linux and Unix 16.04 64 bits


Linux and Unix 16.04 32 bits



The installation programs can be downloaded from the K2 Support Portal https://odoo.k2geospatial.com/web/login. You must create a user account in order to access the downloads section.

To execute an installation program, you must have system administration privileges. On Windows, it is necessary to run the installation program as an administrator (right-click on the program -> Run as Administrator).

Please refer to the section that corresponds to your situation:

New Installation on Windows, macOS or Linux platform (with graphical interface)

This section describes the process of installing a new setup of JMap Server on a Windows, macOS or Linux platform with graphical interface.

Launch the installation program for your target platform. The steps are the following :








Press Next.


Accept the license terms.

Press Next.


Select the JMap installation folder. The folder will be automatically created if it does not exist.

If the folder already contains a setup of JMap, the installation program will perform an update of the existing system, if applicable. See section Updating an existing setup for more details.

Press Next.


File copying can take a few minutes.


The installation of JMap Server is completed.

Press Finish.

New installation on Linux platform without graphical interface

To install JMap Server on a Ubuntu 16.04 platform, follow the steps:

Installing libwebp5

1. Install libwebp5 as follows:

sudo apt update sudo apt install libwebp5

Creating and configuring Linux users

1. Create a "jmap" user:

sudo useradd jmap sudo usermod -d /opt/jmap jmap

Creating and configuring directories

1. Create a directory for temporary data:

cd /opt sudo mkdir jmap_temp sudo chown jmap:k2geo /opt/jmap_temp -R sudo chmod 775 /opt/jmap_temp -R

2. Install JMap:

Installing JMap Server

1. Copy the installer into /opt/jmap_temp.

2. Modify the installer permissions:

3. Run the installer as "root":

IMPORTANT: Install JMap Server on the /opt/jmap directory.

4. Change the owner of the installation folders:

Installing updates of JMap Server

1. Copy the installer into /opt/jmap_temp.

2. Modify the installer permissions:

3. Stop the JMap service. 

4. Make a backup copy of JMap Server:

5. Run the installer as "root" because the installation have to modify the service:

6. Change the owner of the installation folders:

7. Start JMap Server:

Controlling JMap service

1. To stop the service:

IMPORTANT: If the service does not start, you have to make a "stop" JMap Server.

2. To restart the service:

3. To start the service :

4. To kill the JMap process:

Editing a file as a "jmap" user

Update an existing installation

JMap Server can be installed over an existing installation of JMap 6.5 or JMap Server. Existing configurations will be retained. 

JMap Server Kathmandu can only be installed over an existing installation of JMap Server Jakarta Fix 5, Fix 6 or Fix 7.

This article details the procedure for migrating an existing installation to JMap Server (JMap 7): Migration Guide to JMap Server (JMap 7).

Note: If you want to use JMap on port 80 or 443 you will have to install JMap on port 8080, install Nginx on port 80 or 443 and configure redirection (reverse proxy) to JMap Server.

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