JMap 7 Istanbul is now available

JMap 7 Istanbul is now available for download from our web site:

Please consult these guides before installing:

Installation Guide for JMap 7
Migration Guide to JMap 7

This release contains many new features including the filtering of spatial data base on time intervals, the possibility to add comments when taking photos and a better management if the user permissions when editing data.

JMap 7 Istanbul contains all the changes since the first release of JMap 7.0.


Release notes

** New features / Improvements

* [TFIFT-9042] - JMap Web : Improve Spanish translations * [TFIFT-9063] - JMap Web : Improve user experience when deleting elements * [TFIFT-9112] - JMap Web : Add field for comment in photo edit window * [TFIFT-9113] - JMap Web : Display comment with photo in full size editor * [TFIFT-9119] - JMap Web : Add time interval operator in filter editor * [TFIFT-9100] - JMap Pro : Improve label location for polygon layers. Special scenario * [TFIFT-9384] - JMap Pro : Keep the last "browsed" path in the file browser when adding photo * [TFIFT-9111] - JMap Pro : Add comment field in photo info editor * [TFIFT-9120] - JMap Pro : Add time interval operator in filter editor * [TFIFT-9136] - JMap Pro : Implement a photo browser for mouseover * [TFIFT-9348] - JMap Pro : Support permission to modify only own elements * [TFIFT-8153] - JMap Admin : Add configuration section for WebSocket Server in JMap Server Parameters page * [TFIFT-9140] - JMap Admin : Add option to show base maps in JMap Web admin viewer * [TFIFT-9337] - JMap Admin : Allow active or deactivate the "dynamic placement" option in labels * [TFIFT-8189] - JMap Admin : Add warning message when using SQL reserved words in a column's title in a JMap Spatial Table / Personal table * [TFIFT-9028] - JMap Admin : improve texts in spanish * [TFIFT-9040] - JMap Admin : When adding WMS layers in a project, prevent selecting WMS layers that have an incompatible projection with the project * [TFIFT-9079] - JMap Admin : Make imported layers unpublished by default * [TFIFT-9158] - JMap Admin : Add project option to control if MapBox tile cache should be deleted automatically or not * [TFIFT-9216] - JMap Admin : Add a label for empty or null values in dynamic filters * [TFIFT-9369] - JMap Admin : Add option to force layer style to update in a saved contexts * [TFIFT-9118] - JMap Admin : Add time interval operator in filter editor * [TFIFT-9270] - JMap Admin : Add field for Mapbox API key in settings * [TFIFT-9271] - JMap Admin : Add Mapbox base map options in project preview * [TFIFT-9272] - JMap Admin : Add Mapbox base map options in JMap Web viewer * [TFIFT-9273] - JMap Admin : Add Mapbox base layer options in JMap Web deployment * [TFIFT-9150] - JMap Server : Implement a more robust GeoJSON reader * [TFIFT-9160] - JMap Server : Improve the MapBox tile cache management to avoid unnecessary deletion * [TFIFT-9109] - JMap Server : Add storage for photo comments * [TFIFT-8578] - JMap Server : Add support for clusters in MabBox style JSON * [TFIFT-8579] - JMap Server : Add support for heatmaps in Mapbox style JSON * [TFIFT-9067] - JMap Server : Implement workaround for polygon border rendering limitation in MapBox * [TFIFT-9174] - JMap Server : Add support for multiple thematics per layer in Mapbox style JSON * [TFIFT-9188] - JMap Server : Add support of polygon borders for multiple thematics with MapBox * [TFIFT-9253] - JMap Server : Adding support for complex polygon for Mapbox * [TFIFT-9367] - JMap Server : Add the capability to “Edit only own elements“ with all editable datasources * [TFIFT-9134] - JMap REST API : Add endpoint to return pure GeoJSON response * [TFIFT-9153] - JMap REST API : Include layer's styles in Rest API layer's endpoint response * [TFIFT-8629] - JMap REST API : Implement REST endpoint for creating new layers * [TFIFT-9285] - JMap REST API : Add server version info in session REST endpoint POST response * [TFIFT-9180] - JMap REST API : Return user info when opening a session through the REST API * [TFIFT-9133] - JMap REST API : Add support for labels on lines and polygons in MapBox style JSON * [TFIFT-9152] - JMap REST API : Include layer's dynamic filter in Rest API layer's endpoint response * [TFIFT-9178] - JMap REST API : Add thematic and style support in REST API V2 * [TFIFT-9189] - JMap REST API : Adding text style for cluster layer in Mapbox Style endpoint * [TFIFT-9243] - JMap REST API : Add an option to update a mapbox tile that may already be in cache * [TFIFT-9246] - JMap REST API : Improve photo endpoint to retrieve the photos from subform entries * [TFIFT-9284] - JMap REST API : Add endpoint to delete a Mapbox tiles in cache * [TFIFT-9286] - JMap REST API : Modify photo endpoint to add a new photo to a subform entry * [TFIFT-9334] - JMap REST API : REST API V2, add user fullName and email in validate session endpoint response * [TFIFT-9350] - JMap REST API : When saving an external form using Rest API, include more info in the response * [TFIFT-9444] - JMap REST API : Include more info in the response executing Update multiple elements from form * [TFIFT-9372] - JMap REST API : Add support of nested sub forms * [TFIFT-9411] - JMap REST API : Add option to photo endpoints to return the thumbnails instead of the entire photo * [TFIFT-9110] - JMap REST API : Adapt REST API to support comments in photos * [TFIFT-9274] - JMap REST API : Include Mapbox API key in REST project response

** Fixed issues

* [TFIFT-9366] - JMap Web : Error occurs in JMap Web (blank screen) when using a deployment and admin web viewer in the same time * [TFIFT-8840] - JMap Web : Autozoom - The maximum scale is not respected when displaying results * [TFIFT-8918] - JMap Web : Photo file chooser allows for selecting a non-photo type * [TFIFT-8955] - JMap Web : Error while inserting attribute and database forms at the same time * [TFIFT-9008] - JMap Web : Error selecting elements in complex layer for type annotations * [TFIFT-9045] - JMap Web : Cannot print Geowebcache base layer * [TFIFT-9064] - JMap Web : Add a warning message when creating a new context with "Title" field empty * [TFIFT-9071] - JMap Web : Error in browser console when requesting circle annotation config * [TFIFT-9074] - JMap Web : Possibility to draw a line annotation with a line width greater than 10 and less than 1 * [TFIFT-9081] - JMap Web : Possibility to create a text annotation with a font size greater than 40 and less than 10 * [TFIFT-9075] - JMap Web : Filter label component are misplaced on layer list in IE11 * [TFIFT-9122] - JMap Web : Context can be updated without name * [TFIFT-9131] - JMap Web : Filter icon is shown for static layer * [TFIFT-9142] - JMap Web : Compatibility problem with Tomcat 8.5.37 * [TFIFT-9149] - JMap Web : "SAVE" and "CANCEL" buttons do not appear when selecting a large image in photo data edition * [TFIFT-9225] - JMap Web : Subform entries for multiple selection lists do not show their labels * [TFIFT-9265] - JMap Web : Impossible to save the Dynamic Filter page if all filters are deleted * [TFIFT-9323] - JMap Web : Deployment does not open after adding a WMTS layer configured to use a OpenStreetMap layer of the project * [TFIFT-9339] - JMap Web : Problems opening the map when you set WMTS layer from the project * [TFIFT-9345] - JMap Web : Error in browser console after delete a filter and trying to create a new one * [TFIFT-9385] - JMap Web : Impossible to print a pdf when JMap is installed on Ubuntu 16.04 * [TFIFT-9398] - JMap Web : Error adding statistics with Oracle as system DB * [TFIFT-9409] - JMap Web : Missing project id parameter when sending the data to the jmap_statistic_current table * [TFIFT-9410] - JMap Web : Unnecessary call to the rest api to add statistics data while the Usage statistic option is disabled in the project * [TFIFT-9424] - JMap Web : The annotations do not appear in the PDF printout * [TFIFT-9427] - JMap Web : Multi layer selected elements do not appear in the printed PDF printout * [TFIFT-9431] - JMap Web : change DPI value to use international instead of US * [TFIFT-9445] - JMap Web : Possibility of having a duplicate context * [TFIFT-8785] - JMap Web : In responsive mode, mouseover does not display correctly * [TFIFT-9464] - JMap Pro : Exception when acces metadata form in JMap document * [TFIFT-9356] - JMap Pro : Context layer style not updated * [TFIFT-7849] - JMap Pro : WAR file for deployment on a proxy does not include mail.jar * [TFIFT-8301] - JMap Pro : Exception adding element to imported personal layer * [TFIFT-8811] - JMap Pro : When a layer group's name is longer than the menu the group has an offset * [TFIFT-8908] - JMap Pro : Labels don't display in the center of polygon geometries * [TFIFT-9017] - JMap Pro : List component loose the focus when find an element in the list using attribute query * [TFIFT-9089] - JMap Pro : Filter dosen't work on decimal number * [TFIFT-9173] - JMap Pro : Client won't open if JMap Server Remote connection is in error * [TFIFT-9231] - JMap Pro : No layers are available when one remote data source returns null DatasourceInfo * [TFIFT-9308] - JMap Pro : Error opening imported reports * [TFIFT-9399] - JMap Pro : Statistics are not created with Oracle as system DB * [TFIFT-9247] - JMap Admin : When a data source made editable is transformed in a JMap Spatial table, system attributes are not added * [TFIFT-8082] - JMap Admin : Error page after deleting thematic. (Invalid spatial data source info (null)) * [TFIFT-8348] - JMap Admin : Exception cloning a deployment from a deleted project * [TFIFT-8406] - JMap Admin : When updating a layer, the status never becomes 'Ready' * [TFIFT-8623] - JMap Admin : Layer status is wrong in layer conf page * [TFIFT-8645] - JMap Admin : Wrong data source status after update * [TFIFT-8696] - JMap Admin : Exception loading layers from referenced cloned project * [TFIFT-8702] - JMap Admin : Wrong layer status (caching) for a layer configured to load by region * [TFIFT-8746] - JMap Admin : Data source shows two different status * [TFIFT-8793] - JMap Admin : Layers status stuck in "Calculating statistics" * [TFIFT-8808] - JMap Admin : Data source page - status filter does not work correctly. * [TFIFT-8823] - JMap Admin : When deleting layers that are referenced in a projet B, referenced layers in project B are in error * [TFIFT-8835] - JMap Admin : JMAP_AREA, JMAP_LENGTH, JMAP_CENTROID_X and JMAP_CENTROID_Y were not added after migrating to JMap 7 * [TFIFT-8968] - JMap Admin : Layer wizard values do not change if you edit IFC reader data source * [TFIFT-9037] - JMap Admin : It ius possible to reserve more sessions than the number of sessions authorized by the licence * [TFIFT-9043] - JMap Admin : Referencing a layer multiple times in a project cause issues * [TFIFT-9061] - JMap Admin : Filter option name change inside permission page * [TFIFT-9094] - JMap Admin : Validation message shows up selecting same date in usage statistics * [TFIFT-9141] - JMap Admin : Unable to create GeoJson data source in Ubuntu Linux * [TFIFT-9145] - JMap Admin : Order of layers is not respected when adding layers by reference * [TFIFT-9170] - JMap Admin : Empty login request with a fresh installation * [TFIFT-9191] - JMap Admin : Layer status is "Unknown" when referencing / cloning from remote server * [TFIFT-9192] - JMap Admin : Exception obtaining information after removing a remote layer * [TFIFT-9213] - JMap Admin : Error editing a weekly schedule for automatic data source updates * [TFIFT-9248] - JMap Admin : The same subform can be used in different forms * [TFIFT-9251] - JMap Admin : Importing a layer with an interval dynamic filter, the second attribute is not exported/imported * [TFIFT-9257] - JMap Admin : Improve statistics count label text according the filter option * [TFIFT-9266] - JMap Admin : It is possible to create table attributes with special characters (accents) * [TFIFT-9268] - JMap Admin : UI problem for a dynamic filter with attribute other than VARCHAR * [TFIFT-9281] - JMap Admin : Referenced layers order is reverse of the original order on the source project * [TFIFT-9300] - JMap Admin : Update statement in an external form does not work if there is no data to update * [TFIFT-9309] - JMap Admin : Project permissions are deleted after complete importation * [TFIFT-9310] - JMap Admin : Error creating a GML data source * [TFIFT-9330] - JMap Admin : A thematic does not work correctly after importing the layer from ArcGIS REST * [TFIFT-9336] - JMap Admin : Remote Information is missing in reference layer page * [TFIFT-9387] - JMap Admin : Importing a layer does not attach the subforms correctly * [TFIFT-9396] - JMap Admin : JMap crash clicking cancel button in data source file browser * [TFIFT-9397] - JMap Admin : Thematic creation on a date doesn't appear in JMap Pro and JMap Web * [TFIFT-9413] - JMap Admin : Error in DWG reader wizard * [TFIFT-9418] - JMap Admin : Error creating JMap Spatial Table data source * [TFIFT-9426] - JMap Admin : Impossible to create a project importing an ArcGIS REST with HTTP authentication * [TFIFT-9171] - JMap Server : Data source and layer statuses could be stuck when doing data source updates * [TFIFT-9172] - JMap Server : System data (H2 database) is not compacting correctly, grows indefinitely * [TFIFT-7259] - JMap Server : Referenced layers do not display if project has a different projection than the source project * [TFIFT-9137] - JMap Server : Exception in JMap Server console while downloading map in Survey * [TFIFT-9154] - JMap Server : Error calculating statistics in layers from SQL Server SDS * [TFIFT-9167] - JMap Server : Adding unpublished layers when creating Mapbox vector tiles * [TFIFT-9179] - JMap Server : Authbind error while starting the JMap service in Red Hat 7.3 * [TFIFT-9183] - JMap Server : Error creating Mapbox sprite when layer uses a style template * [TFIFT-9184] - JMap Server : Error when updating MSSQL Server data source * [TFIFT-9190] - JMap Server : JMap server becomes unresponsive when producing many MapBox tiles at the same time * [TFIFT-9220] - JMap Server : Thematic icon for Point Geometry don't show in Mapbox * [TFIFT-9227] - JMap Server : NullPointerException while converting old contexts to new format * [TFIFT-9228] - JMap Server : Configured layer's labels on specific scale, are not respected on MapBox when a thematic is enabled * [TFIFT-9229] - JMap Server : Error when importing access table with date attribute * [TFIFT-9232] - JMap Server : Error not propagated for IFC reader * [TFIFT-9235] - JMap Server : Mapbox does not respect initial layer visibility * [TFIFT-9237] - JMap Server : JMap Web doesn't work with nginx (reverse proxy) * [TFIFT-9241] - JMap Server : PrimeFaces signer information does not match signer information of other classes * [TFIFT-9264] - JMap Server : Mapbox - Thematic border style not applying on polygon * [TFIFT-9277] - JMap Server : Impossible create a WMTS SDS * [TFIFT-9290] - JMap Server : Error adding elements in editable SDS after complete user data importation * [TFIFT-9291] - JMap Server : Contexts are not imported after complete user data importation * [TFIFT-9295] - JMap Server : When editing data if update or delete query has nothing to update or delete, the transaction crashes * [TFIFT-9296] - JMap Server : Message for Delete MapBox tiles endpoint should not be "null" * [TFIFT-9303] - JMap Server : Layers from an OpenStreetMap SDS do not display * [TFIFT-9335] - JMap Server : Labels are misplaced * [TFIFT-9344] - JMap Server : MySQL error caused by the server time zone value * [TFIFT-9359] - JMap Server : Error estimating tiles on an empty layer * [TFIFT-9393] - JMap Server : Wrong behavior of tiles opening Mapbox * [TFIFT-9402] - JMap Server : Element edition overwrites author of element * [TFIFT-9404] - JMap Server : Error creating JMAP_DOCUMENTS table changing Oracle as system DB * [TFIFT-9405] - JMap Server : Error creating Contexts table with Oracle system database * [TFIFT-9428] - JMap Server : Get all layer elements external form data always return Internal server error * [TFIFT-9429] - JMap Server : Get multiple elements form data only returns the first element information * [TFIFT-9446] - JMap Server : Imported ArcGIS REST layer does not display on the map, attributes and thematic were not imported * [TFIFT-9209] - JMap Server : Line Styles created in Mapbox are incomplete * [TFIFT-8144] - JMap Server : Impossible delete categories from individual custom values thematic * [TFIFT-8454] - JMap Server : Data source is deleted from list after making it editable and restarting JMap * [TFIFT-9127] - JMap Server : After importing file based data sources, it continues to reference the index tables from source server * [TFIFT-9139] - JMap REST API : Health Endpoint returns wrong information * [TFIFT-9146] - JMap REST API : Rest API does not return the photo data if stored outside of JMap * [TFIFT-9148] - JMap REST API : Typo error in Health Endpoint response * [TFIFT-9168] - JMap REST API : API REST V2, mapbox styles return a center with a bad projection randomly * [TFIFT-9185] - JMap REST API : Element endpoint returns wrong information or corrupted * [TFIFT-9215] - JMap REST API : External form API endpoint returns all data in table for each element * [TFIFT-9219] - JMap REST API : Admin REST API session expire after 20 minutes * [TFIFT-9233] - JMap REST API : Response code for MapBox Sprite.png endpoint should be fixed * [TFIFT-9343] - JMap REST API : Validate session endpoint returns Username in UserFullName properties * [TFIFT-9352] - JMap REST API : Remove body parameters in DELETE map contexts for current user endpoint * [TFIFT-9353] - JMap REST API : Wrong message and code executing Create a map context endpoint with negative project id * [TFIFT-9355] - JMap REST API : Wrong message and code executing Update map context with invalid project id * [TFIFT-9358] - JMap REST API : Mapbox Style Endpoint return wrong information for transparency (opacity) * [TFIFT-9392] - JMap REST API : REST API V2, Forms External - Create multiple elements from form should return all created element(s) with their ID